Property Intelligence

Quickly Evaluate Properties and Identify Owners!

Property, mortgage, AVM, and owner data to evaluate properties, generate leads, personalize messages, and more!

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Why Do I Need Property Intelligence?

To grow your business, you need a steady stream of qualified property owners to work with. Property Intelligence tells you where those people live, what you need to know about their property, who they are, why they may want to work with you, and how to connect with them online. It’s the secret ingredient that turns prospects into clients like clockwork.

Show Me How it Works
Property Data

Find Opportunities Missed By Everyone Else

From property characteristics and location to ownership time, sales history, and tax information, like assessed value and current year property tax details, you can create limitless permutations of prospecting lists and property owner groupings.

a map with a location and a location map
Consumer Profile Data

Know Everything About Property Owners

Our data includes millions of property owners' names, emails, phones, social profiles, and mailing addresses, so you can reduce your skip-tracing cost by more than 1/3rd. Then filter property owners based on household income or net worth, marital status, household size, charitable causes, or interests they share with you, like hiking, cooking, gardening, dog lovers, football, or photography. Explore limitless permutations to find your ideal prospects.

two screens showing the different types of profiles
Data Enrichment

Backfill Missing Contact Data

Got a prospect with just a name and email? Or an address but no phone? We’ll automatically backfill missing data with accurate names, emails, phones, addresses, ages, and mortgage details.

MLS Data

On-Demand Property Data For All Listings

MLS data is updated hourly. It’s standardized and accurate. It can be excluded from your search criteria to find off-market properties and pocket listings or included to see where the market is heading right now.

AVM Data

Know How Much Each Property Is Worth

Stay in touch with past clients with monthly, “Home Value” emails, text, and direct mail campaigns. You can also prospect new clients by proactively offering value and starting a conversation about their home’s value.

Mortgage Data

Unlock Potential Profit With Mortgage Data

Last sales price and date, current mortgage balance, mortgage rate, loan type, and financial property information are only a few clicks away. Use it to narrow down your ideal opportunity faster than you ever thought possible.

Try Before You Buy!

AI magically backfills missing mobile numbers, calls prospects, and A/B tests emails to book two appointments daily.

Start Your Free Trial

Slide Into The DMs Of People Who Want To Sell

AI instantly backfills missing mobile phone numbers in your database so you can predictably reach home owners who are ready to sell. 

Always Guaranteed


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Property Intelligence?

It’s an all-in-one data platform that lets you discover everything about the properties in a neighborhood and the people who own them.

Property, MLS, mortgage, AVM, and consumer profile data lets you evaluate properties, generate leads, market to your sphere, and personalize your sales outreach with ease. It can also backfill your missing contact data with accurate phones, emails, addresses, social profiles, and more.

What other types of data do you have?

Consumer Profile List has information about more than 260 million people and about 186 million homes. It helps you find new customers by giving you lots of different ways to pick and choose who you want to talk to based on things like their age, what type of house they live in, how much money they have, their marital status, are they new parents, do they have dogs and their hobbies like fishing, cooking, exercising or collecting antiques.

Property List shares the addresses of all the places where people live in the United States or places they receive mail. It's helpful for people who want to know the properties' characteristics, like the number of beds/baths, the property type, or the year built. It also includes financial details like the property value, home equity, loan type, last sales price, and current loan balance. 

Enrichment is a unique tool that helps us fill in the gaps in your list of prospects or spheres of influence. It gives you lots of different information you can use to sort people into groups, figure out what they might be interested in, and try to predict what they might do. This helps us know who to talk to and what to say to them.

Mobile and Phone is a premium list of people's names, addresses, and phone numbers. We add to it and update it every month. You can use it to find out someone's phone number or address if you have their name or to find out someone's name if you have their phone number or address. 

Email is a list of email addresses for over 260 million people in the United States. It has about 1.1 billion email addresses. You can use it to add email addresses to your list of customers, find different ways to contact people or match up different pieces of information using email addresses.

Suppression helps us follow the rules for keeping people's private information private. It helps us get better results and stops people from pretending to be someone else. It removes names of people who don't want to be called or who have passed away, and it also removes names of people who are on a special list of people who don't want to be called.

Why do I need it?

To grow your business, you need a steady stream of qualified prospects to work with. Property Intelligence tells you where those people live, who they are, why they may want to work with you, and how to connect with them online. It’s the secret ingredient that turns prospects into clients like clockwork. 

How accurate is your data?

Our data is accurate, detailed, and updated hourly so you can evaluate properties, identify and research owners, market to your sphere, personalize your sales outreach, or automate your marketing. 

If we don' think our data is accurate, we won't show it to you. We give you accurate results and the least amount of false positives.

Does it cost extra money?

No, it’s included in all our plans. And it actually saves you money. How? Property Intelligence includes millions of property owners' names, emails, phones, social profiles, and mailing addresses so that you can reduce your skip tracing cost by more than 1/3rd. No one else offers that value – not even close.

Use Cases

A few creative ways to evaluate properties, generate leads, and automate marketing using Smart Alto. 

Conversational AI

Call motivated sellers and make live transfers, daily

Coming Soon

Hidden Listings

58% of all buyers have a home to sell. Use AI to find Listings Hiding in Plain Sight

Absentee Owners

Talk to in-state or out-of-state property owners to help them cash in on their asset.

Homeowner vs Renter

Separate the homeowners vs renters in your database

Gen Z Movers

Find owners between 24-32 years old who have lived in their homes 2-5 years. They represent 71% of movers in that age range.

Millennials Movers

Find owners between 33-42 year olds who have lived in their house for four to 10 years. They represent 66% of movers in that age range.

Property Evaluation

Quickly evaluate properties to find the best opportunities to grow your business with industry-leading data.

Senior Downsizers

Connect with empty nesters who live in two stories homes and may want to downsize.

Niche Based Listings

More than 60% of total home sales came from these four groups: veterans, single females, multigenerational households, and senior citizens.

Personalizing Your Messages

Make your outreach personal and relevant by including the address, bd/ba, school district name or 50+ other variables in your message.

Promoting Your Listings

Share your new listing with homeowners in nearby neighborhoods to encourage more selling activity.

Sphere Marketing

Stay in touch with your sphere and inner circle with home value emails, neighborhood event reminders, and GIF emails.

A/B Test

Discover which message or headline or angle works best for different property owners with A/B test.

Automate Your Follow-ups

Ensure consistent and timely sales outreach across email, SMS, phone and social media by automating your tasks.

Monthly Home Value Emails

Establish yourself as an authority by sending home value emails and SMS to property owners in your area.

Home Anniversary Messages

Remind homeowners they don’t pay capital gains tax on the first $250k if they lived in their home the past two years.

Facebook Ads

Download our data to create a custom Facebook audience and run ads to complement your other marketing efforts.

Use Cases