Property Evaluation

Evaluate Property With Accurate Data In 90 Seconds!

On-demand recent sales, mortgages, and estimated home value (AVM) data help you evaluate a property.

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Why Do I Need Property Evaluation?

On-recent sales, AVMs, and mortgage data are essential to evaluate a property and uncover an opportunity missed by everyone else. You need the best system to beat the competition, and Smart Alto’s AI tools are first-in-class.

Show Me How it Works
Comparable Sales
Coming soon

Analyze Comps in Minutes

Our Comps tool lets you browse recently sold homes in your area that match your preferences based on location, size, features, condition, and much more! Set your own comp boundaries and remove outliers with adjustable filters to find your perfect match.

a map of the shops and restaurants in downtown
a map with a location and a location marker
Home Value Data

Know How Much The Property Is Worth (AVM)

Our AVM is an algorithmically driven model that estimates a property's true value based on its inherent value and the values of similar properties nearby (comps). Rather than manually calculating an AVM, use our AI models to estimate the value across hundreds of data points and all its comps.

Property Intelligence

Become a Property Expert

Discover everything there is to know about a property and its owners. Sales history, mortgage rates, estimated value (AVM), property characteristics, and much more.

Try Before You Buy!

AI magically backfills missing mobile numbers, calls prospects, and A/B tests emails to book two appointments daily.

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Slide Into The DMs Of People Who Want To Sell

AI instantly backfills missing mobile phone numbers in your database so you can predictably reach home owners who are ready to sell. 

Always Guaranteed


Frequently Asked Questions

Are your comps accurate?

Yes, our Comps tool returns a list of properties with similar property characteristics, valuations, and locations to the one provided. But you can also pick your own comps.

How do you derive the property’s value (AVM)?

We use AI models to estimate the property’s value across hundreds of data points and all its comps. We are backed by Google, Y Combinator and the National Association of Realtors, so you know our models are good.

Do you have MLS data, mortgage data, and recent sales history?

Yes, we’ve got MLS data, mortgage data, sales history data, and AVM data. In fact, we’ve got all the data needed to quickly evaluate properties and owners. Then we’ve got sales automation tools to help you engage them before everyone else.